Hi, I am 19 years old and i am sexually active, the girl i have been seeing is clean and i have been having unprotected sex with her.But just recently i noticed a blotchy red rash with tiny tiny white heads on my glans near the opening of my penis(meatus?) and a cut like sore on my foreskin and split/minor cuts around my foreskin. It doesn't hurt to urinate except when the urine comes in contact with the cuts. I am so so so scared this may be herpes, but the little red dots/blotches do not look like blisters at all, the cut like sore on my foreskin looks sort of like a very small infected cut. Most of the pictures i have seen on the internet lead me to think this is balanitis? or a minor stage 1 case of syphilis?Please help me i am stressing so much!!