I have always wondered whether my hips are deformed - when I lie on my side (either side), there are two protrusions. One appear to be the hip (i.e., where the hip would naturally curve outward) and then it divets in and curves out again (but the second curvature almost looks as though it's my thighbone, not the hip itself). I know this must sound odd! Sorry, it's been years since I had anatomy - in any case, when I stand in front of a mirror, I also see the same thing from the front and the back (i.e., two curves outward - one from the waist to mid hip, and the other from mid-hip to the top of the thigh). My mom's sister has an inverted hip bone, and my brother was born with a club foot, I have "varous heels" and my dad's grandmother had a deformed hip. I have pain that seems to radiate around to my lower back (walking helps to alleviate that pain). Do you think I have deformed hips? Thanks for the advice (and sorry this was so convoluted!) Laura :)