I already had two cycles of Ivf-ICSI.
First one was cancelled due to less follicles but second one was done with changed medicine and higher dosage(450 mg), 8 follicles were produced and four A grade embryos were transferred. it resulted in chemical pregnancy with HCG 40 but it dropped in 2 weeks.
After 1 month of it an ultrasound was done. Below are the reports:
--A sessile subserous fibroid is seen on the fundal surface of the uterus.
--It measures 3.2cm*2.6cm*2.4cm in diameters.
--The fibroid causes slight compression of the fundal mymoterium, but it is 7mm away from the endometrium.
--The fibroid is solid and has well defined capsule
--One more 8mm diameter small peripheral intramural fibroid is seen in the pisterior wall of the uterus.
--A 3.0 cm*1.9cm82.5cm diameters dermoid is seen in the right ovary. Dermoid is filled with fat , fluid and echoes.
--A normal right ovarian parenchyma is een along anterior surface of the cyst.
After having this I consulted one more famous doctor for IVF-ICSi cycle.
Doctor said that their baseline test includes laproscopy and hysterscopy before starting cycle.
They also want to remove dermoid and fibroid before starting cycle.
I am really confused about it, Do we need to remove fibroid and dermoid for next cycle?
Is laproscopy baseline test for doing IVf cycle?
Please guide..