i am an experienced er rn (9 years in level 1 trauma center) and my brother is having the follow symptoms:
initially a generalized (parietal) ha, with nausea and 1 episode, having slight photophobia, denies otophobia, headache is constant and increases with movement and radiates down into bilat neck/shoulders. denies chest pain, denies numbness and tingling, no neuro defecits. PERLA,. pt is afebrile 97.6, pulse rate of 72bpm (irregular), unable to obtain bp (no cuff at home)
my concerns is he now complains of a throbbing abd pain with a palpable abdominal mass? he is a 2 pk per day smoker, hx of of iv drug abuse (currently denies), denies sob/cp. ls unlabored. he is 33 years of age. should i be concerned for a triple AAA?