One week ago I started getting a headache, that gets a lot worse when I lift weights (I workout 6 days a week.) Its a painful throbbing in my temples and sometimes felt in forehead, and causes a sore jaw. It hurt so bad once that I vomitted and had to sleep it off. The times that it hurt extremely bad from lifting weights and I slept it off for about two hours, woke up and it had subsided to a dull headache. There was one time maybe about a month ago that I had the same extreme throbbing headache during my workout, and I had to go home and sleep it off. I have had this headache continously for a week. I AM hydrated properly, I dont think it is a diet defiency either. I am taking antibiotics for a sinus infection but they are not working (and my symptoms dont match up with a sinus infection.) I had been taking thermogenics for an extended period of time (not taking the recommended break in between cycles,) and it seemed as if the headaches started after i stopped taking them (a week ago,) if it were caffeine withdrawals I think I would have been over them by now? I am starting to become very worried and these headaches are affecting my day to day activities. Is it possible that I have caused a problem from taking thermogenics for way too long?