skin problems
I am male, 35 years of age, 5 10" tall, 125 lbs. After surviving sever/ near fatal exposure to carbon monoxide poisoning (which I was told I should've died from, this exposure was for a period of a week)..I moved from Kentucky to California to live with family. Soon after I developed dry, intensely itchy patches of skin on what I understand as the "lymbic" area underneath my scrotum. as you can imagine I've been too embarrassed to tell anyone or see anyone about it. It's been nearly five years since it appeared..nothing seems to help so far. Lotions, triple anti-biotic ointment, anti- fungal spray, antibiotics, nothing seems to work. Since it first appeared it has slowly but steadily spread. it itches worse at night then by day. What would cause this? I've tried researching the internet, but the answers are vague and inconclusive at best.