I'm a mid 50's male who has never had any significant problem with jock itch or rashes in general. About 10 days ago I noticed a dime size itchy red spot (with two white heads in it) on my upper groin. I didn't think much of it but by the end of the work day it began to spread in the fold between my upper thigh and scrotum (presenting as small red spots typically with a white bump in the middle near or on a hair folical). I treated it with an over the counter jock itch cream without any success as it continued to spread on the scrotum and eventually to the other side of the groin (with itch as well as a puss discharge with an odor). After much research on line I have tried several treatments, including: Salt baths, a mild topical bleach application, teatree oil and zinc oxide cream. While the most effective combination seems to be the topical bleach followed by the zinc oxide cream, I am still getting additional "bumps" on a daily basis. While the original areas are healing, I can't seem to stop the spread with a few "bumps" even on the front and rear of my thighs. Do you Doctors have any idea what this is and how I can better treat it?