Hello, I have migraine since my school days mostly in evening. My symptoms are like nausea,throbbing headache, vomiting until I get some sleep. I never experienced aura. My migraine triggering factors like brain work (Like concentrating in some puzzle, playing chess), playing computer games, chocolates,cigarette smoke ,alcohol and etc. In some sudden conditions like weightlessness (Lift elevator, merry go round and in hill area where it needs to be go in downhill I feel same same discomfort.I have visited may doctors but nothing helped much. But 7 years ago a doctor identified my syndrome as migraine and prescribed me Sibelium 10 mg and Cerlift 50 mg. Since then I felt better but it dint completely cured my problem. But the migraine attacks were less.Now I am a softwere engineer and of late I am experiencing the migrain attack almost everyday evening. Things are getting worse as I feel lower neckpain and upper back pain from last 6/7 months. I avoid all the conditions that triggers headche expect the hard brain work and sitting 8/10 hours in front of PC as per my job s demand. Mostly early at the evening I am having headache as well as extreme upper back pain and lower neck pain. In moring I dont feel headache but upper back pain. In some days when the headache is worse I am vommiting and could not stand by myself and headache is like beating the hammer.Things are getting quite insufferable and affecting my day to day productivity at office. Please help me.