I have mottled skin on one of my arms (most intense on the backside of my humerus/elbow) and a couple other small areas. At best it looks subtle, but under extreme temperatures it is intense purple when cold or intense red when hot...
I'm not sure exactly what the condition is, though I think I've narrowed it down to mottled skin. I previously thought it might be Livedo Reticularis or Cutis Marmorata because the web like pattern looks the same but those conditions are associated with a blue color, which I don't have. Anyway I was wondering if anyone had a better idea of what I have. I was also wondering if anyone knew of any treatments. I have found a product called Skin Dr. by Native Remedies that is supposed to treat mottling, but am unsure it will work. I want to try it but I'm not getting my hopes up, I have a feeling this condition is permanent and there's nothing I can realy do about it. I'll be thankful for any information I can get.