I cannot pull my foreskin back enough, what can I do to make it more retractable as I am not able to clean it? Do I even have to pull the foreskin back and if so, why? besides cleaning. I can slowly stretch to about the glans of the penis which is close to the end of the head until I cannot retract further. Is it because I have a short frenulum as it does not seem to want to go down or is it because I am too cautious as I do not want to break it. I was told I might I have BXO, anything under what I can retract is usually clean but I am not sure if it is dirty under the foreskin I cannot retract. Also, is there anything to make my penis head less sensitive as only water seems to be alright on it but I cannot touch it due to the pain of sensitivity. I ask this mostly because I think I have phimosis as I can see the top of head with out retracting but there is something, please help, I have seen a doctor for this already. Any additional advice would be appreciated. Thanks.