I havent had a job in 3 yrs and sat in front of my computer most days for hours upon hours with little to no physical activity and prior to that I worked for 3 yrs or so driving patients around in a SUV... so again a job with little to no physical activity.
Two weeks ago I started working at a local company that makes plastic bottles and doing 12 hr shifts. The job entails basically standing in one position and twisting left and right to pick up bottles coming down a conveyor line and placing them in boxes.
At the end of day one I was exiting my shower I noticed my back muscles were very tight on the right side just below the shoulder blade. I had already figured I would be experiencing some discomfort from muscle groups that hadnt seen a work out in ages... but between the spasming and tightness I couldnt even sleep and ended up taking my second day off. I had two normal days off right after that so it gave me three days to try and recoop.
Needless to say my back never quite went back to normal but the pain did subside quite a bit, but I also was working a three day 12 hr shift in a row and I started noticing what felt like a knot under the shoulder blade as well as it also felt slightly numb.
Now on top of this issue, I also started noticing my left front of my thigh was tingling and by the second day of my three day... my left thigh was experiencing heavy numbness, tingling, popping like feeling (like bubbles popping under my skin in that area)and an extreme aching to the extent I almost felt like crying.
I can only assume this was being caused by the repetition of my movements because as mentioned above its non stop twisting left, leaning forward to pick up bottles off the conveyor line (thus putting pressure on the left leg) and then twisting to the right to place them in a box... not as much leaning or pressure placed on the right leg... though I did on the last day start noticing the same feeling in the right leg but not in as large an area nor painful as the left thigh is.
I have been placing a heating pad on the thigh for a couple days now and it doesnt seem to be helping much at all and was hoping that I find some relief with something else? Should I try rotating ice and heat?
I have no medical coverage as I just recently started there and I really cannot afford to lose this job and need to find some way of relieving this problem and fast. I was only in work 2 hrs the other day before being let go early for the holiday weekend and if I would have had to stay there any longer I would have been screaming bloody murder with how badly my left thigh was hurting.
Any help would be greatly appreciated and also, what might I expect if I go back to work and just cope with the pain Im in?