Hi, have suffered with neck problem's for sometime now, it started after i was doing an awkward movement doing yoga about 2 yrs ago, first of all i woke up in the morning and couldnt move my head lft or rght, bck or down toward's my chest, and ever since if i make a sudden movement lft or rght my necks cracks rather loudly, followed sometimes by ashooting pain up into one side of my head and it hurts, only for the second after i make the quick movement.Well after 2 yrs of suffering and going to my gp and only getting pain killers, wich did help, the pain eased, but after a short period of ease it has started again !, cant turn lft rght , put my head bck or forward. What is the problem i also feel like there's something not rght with the top, come lower part of my spine, rnd the top of the shoulder area .