I was pregnant for 11 weeks when my gynae detected no cardiac activity in fetus thus had missed abortion. During d&c she discovered large amount of pus kind of thing in front of cervix lips. It had been two weeks after d&c , i have recovered from bleeding etc but infection is still persisting she has given me myconorm kit of 4 antibiotics plus chymoral plus for this week along with vaginal tabs. I must inform here that i had history of pain in left side (more frequent) and right side of waist(extremes, dont know what to call technically). this pain goes up to lower back. a few antibiotics i had taken but approx. a year before my pregnancy. Now my query is how should I go for treatment. my concern is this pain which is quite frequent now too. My age is 30 Years, Height: 5 ft 1", weigt 55 kg