I am 60 years old. I had polio in very early child hood . My right leg is completely paralyzed and I have scoliosis in the spine also. I use calipers for movements. Now for the last two years I am facing a peculiar problem. What is happening is that at night during sleep and changing positions there is some dislocation at the spine or hip bone of polio affected leg. As a consequence when I get up in the morning I cannot move. I feel pain starting from the lower back where the right coxal bone of the polio affected leg starts right up to knee if there is slight movement in the upper portion of leg. I become bedridden. It becomes very difficult and pain full to go to toilet The dislocation continues, sometime for hours and sometimes for 10 to 15 days. The best part is that the dislocation ends automatically and everything becomes normal as if nothing has happened. There is no pain and I am as fresh as ever. It continues for three to six months and again suddenly there is dislocation and it continues for some days before getting corrected automatically. Here I would like to convey that every time when the dislocation ends, I feel myself that there is some movement of the dislocated bone and it has gone to its original position. It was thought that there is dislocation of the hip joint. The x-Ray pictures also show that hip joint is not fully developed it was suggested that I should go in for excision aurthoplasty. However Just before the admission for operation I was physically examined by senior doctor and when the hip joint was physically moved by the doctor and he asked me whether I feel any pain, I said that there is no pain. The idea of operation was dropped. The doctors gave an injection in my spine and now I am under medication and using Belt in the back to support the spine. Sir I have a great feeling that there is movement / dislocation of the end portion of spine because my right hip is moving hip . It comes out of the groove which is my feeling Last time when it happened there was a sound of “click near hip”. The dislocation has not ended till now. I am very much sure that spine is definitely involved in the dislocation. One more aspect of the problem is, when the dislocation ends everything becomes so normal that as if nothing has happened and I am afresh and fit as any normal healthy person rather better than him. It happens in a spur of second. There is a kind of current that runs through the body when the dislocation ends and it takes only few seconds, may be three or even less than that , I have myself experienced this every time. I have visited so many doctors. They have advised pain killers for the pain. I do not want to take pain killer medicines. That too when I know this is not the right treatment. The best part is that the pain is only at the sitting position and not while standing or lying on the bed.
1 Whether curvature of spine will increase? If so how to stop it? What kind of belt should I use.
2 whether the pain in the hip joint area is due to dislocation of hip joint or due to movement of spine ? This is due to the fact that when the hip joint is moved physically by hand there is no pain.
3 The pain is only in the right leg at the sitting position and starts from back of the right hip and radiates stops at knee joint that too when pressure is put on both the hips( normal sitting position) . There is no pain when I sit on my left side ie use only left hip for sitting and do not put pressure on the right hip.
4 The pain starts from back of the hip and stops at knee joint.
5 There is no pain in the lying position or the standing position? Even during periods of acute pain if I straighten my back all the pain goes. I have a distinct feeling that scoliosis of spine is involved.
6 Is it possible that pain may be due to fact that some nerve may be pressed?
7 The dislocation continues for some time may be few hours or few days. It ends automatically and when the dislocation ends there is definite and very clear feeling that the dislocated bone has attained its original position.
8 Last time when this happened there was a sound of “click” and till now it has not ended
9 Now for the last four days I am having pain in hip joint as well as knee joint . It appears that thigh muscles are losing grip over thigh bone. This is so because when I move thigh there is pain in hip as well as knee joint. Even while sitting there is pain on the movement of thigh.
Please suggest what should I do