I have a bit of athlete s foot, but recently had an itch between my 3rd and 4th toe on my right foot. Not thinking, I scratched it. It was EXCRUCIATING! Now it appears I have broken a large blister which still hurts and is seeping a clear liquid. I had been using an antifungal in this area for a week or so, but it doesn t seem to be healing. Now, my foot feels as though I have swelling, although I can t see it, but it s very red on the sides of both toes with an open sore right between the toes. I really don t know how to treat this. I have had athlete s foot on and off for years and have never experienced anything like this. To date, I have seen no blood--just a clear substance seeping from it, pain, dead skin around the blister-like sore and redness up the right side of my 3rd toe and some on the 4th toe. The seeping is coming from the innermost crease between the toes but the sore covers the entire area between my toes and seems to be getting larger.