I have a question which I hope you could help me with. I am unable to get to a dermatologist right now due to finances. I got a pretty bad sunburn on my face a little over a week ago. I put suntan lotion all over, but forgot to include my face. My face started to peel a little bit a few days later, and so I started to take some of the skin off. My forehead peeled just fine and is completely healed. But my nose was extremely sensitive after. It was and is still very red. As of now, it is leaking a yellowish liquid and is very crusty. It's absolutely hideous and I am very insecure and embarrassed about it. Every time I get in the shower or get it wet, it's almost like it ruins the healing process and the yellow liquid starts coming all over again. Is there anything I can do to help it heal, and maybe help it leave no visible scarring? I am desperate and really do appreciate your time!!