Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here... Hello, My name is Marie and my child Savanna has been getting a rash all inbetween her fingers and on her palms.
A day later she complaines that she doesnt want to eat becaouse the upper part of her mouth is sore as if you eat pinapples or oranges whilst you have a cut on your gums, something like that. So I look and I see small bumps on the inner mouth like a brige around her teeth. They were whit and getting bigger, but finally they went down the same day. Ive been telling her its an allergic reaction for weeks.
Now I dont know what to do, she has callouses all on her palms small red bumps scatered all up on her fingers and on the back of her hand tough dry skin that she litterally tears off scratching it so hard help!