Hi, my name is Caroline.,i was recently diagonised with migraines but am not sure if that is what am suffering from. The medication i was prescribed is sumatriptan but it does not seem to work (am taking i tablet). i usually have a 'funny' headache where its more of a feeling of alot of pressure in my head, i then have tingling sensations and my head hurts when i cough or sneeze.i also have motion sickness and am not sure if its vertigo or dizziness (more of a spinning feeling) this happens sometimes but the pressure in my head/ headache now seems to be everyday! i ussually get relief from painkillers but not sumatriptan.i sometimes don't think am able to explain exactly what i feel because no one seem to understand but when the attacks happens (now daily) its scary! i don't want to have to rely on painkillers everyday! i have been to different doctors and no one seem to understand me. About 2 years ago i felt numbness on my left side of the body from head to toe for a day. i also have frequent sore throats (not sure if it has any relation). i am worried it might be something like a brain tumor but my doctor wouldn't do a cat scan yet since i do not have any neurological problems as she put it. Pls help, i just need to know what is wrong with me, Thanks.