I was born with spinal stenosis and I am going to be 55 yrs old. I am in constant pain. I can only walk maybe 50 steps and then immense pain in back and it feels like my right leg is going to break, my leg with either freeze on me or completely give out on me and down I go...I can only sit maybe for half an hour or so, the pain now is chronic and I have to lift my right leg now to get in and out of the car, cannot do stairs, cannot walk any distance at all anymore as I was an avid walker and did 3 miles a day...my lifestyle has totally changed, put in toilet bars now as I need help to sit down and get up and put a bar in bathtub and use bathtub chair. sleep on 4 hrs a night I am depressed and also have uncontrollable hypertension, high chlosterol, arthristis on my right hip. kidney problems now as there is blood in my urine all the time and seeing the dr on this I no longer can work 40 hrs a week I can no longer lift, bend, twist, push, and am bedridden for a day or so because I cannot walk and have to lay in bed with pillows between my legs, I am tired and exhausted all the time and my sex life is down the tubes no sex drive whatsoever and lost a relationship cause of it and have not had sex now in 7 years and that is not normal. Can I get disabilty for this. I walk now funny and have weakness in my right leg and tingling as well and pain in my right buttocks as well. I could tell you so much more but this is depressing enough.