My husband has a host of problems that I am very concerned about, and don't where where to turn. In 2004 he had back surgery at the L5 reigon, it failed, he has perminant nerve damage. He has pain there. He blew out both his shoulders in the recovery process having the right one rebuilt in 2006 which causes him tremendous pain, worse than before the surgery and it's getting worse by the day. He looses his balance all the time, and falls. He had a slight stroke about six months ago, is not on so many meds, and still has serious pain. He is confused, clumsey, and spends at least 20 hours a day in bed without urination. He slurs his speach on occation, is just out of it most of the time. He can't focus, he can't do small tasks. If we ride in the car for more than a half an hour he hurts so bad, he can't move. He has arthritis in his neck, which causes headaches that are severe. I am at a loss as to what to do for him, but what's happening now is not normal. His med list is long. Vicoden six a day, Neurontin six a day, baclophen four a day, valium four a day, plavix one a day, lescol xl one a day, zoloft two a day, zantac two a day for acid reflux, tricor once a day. He has acid reflux often, he has body twitches or spasms non stop, and some are huge. He is in constant pain, and now with the confusion, and staying in bed all day every day, not urinating, makes me nervous. He might urinate once or twice a day. He has been experiencing leakage behind his scrotum. He's only 55. HELP...