I am 26weeks pregnant, and 3 to 4 weeks ago I had sex with my partner as normal and a few days later had very strong itchyness in the vaginal area, on the clitoris and inside the lips of the vagina. It came with discharge as well. So thinking i had an std i went to see my OB/GYN about 2weeks ago and had him check me, he said it was pregnancy related bacteria infection, it started with a "G" but i forgot the big word. He says its natural bacteria that multiplies 2x as much when your pregnant and he gave me a gel medicine to inject for 5days and it should have gone away. The thing is the itching went down quite a bit but it STILL itches and i still have the discharge. My question is could this be an undetected STD because i've had these symptoms before in my first pregnancy as well as when i wasn't pregnant but have gotten tested and been clean. Any advice or thoughts on this?