I have been diagnosed wth Meniere's disease, and since last june my life has stopped becuase of it. I am unable to leave the house due to the unpredictability of the vertigo attcaks, and when I do have them it takes me a good month before the disorientation subsides enough for me to be able to go out, albeit with someone accompanying me due to drop falls. I am waiting for a hearing aid due to the damage done so far to my hearing, but have constant tinnitus and sensitivity to noise. My problem is with my GP. I feel as though I am never listened to, and my symptoms not understood. I am very disillusioned and am looked upon as a malingerer. This is increasing my already low esteem from the financial worries and family life, which is non existant as wife and mother at this time due to my disorder. Any suggestions on how to build a better, more understanding rapport with my GP?