4 days ago I was given a cortisone shot in my tush to help a sever itching condition I developed after taking an herbal laxative. The itching went away within a few hours of the shot and was quickly replaced by intense buring all around the region of the shot down to the upper part of my thigh. I have experienced cortison burn before from a shot into a joint, which only lasted a couple days, and pain killers helped. This shot was into the fatty part of my tush, the pain is unbearable, and pain killers have no affect. I have been icing on and off for four days now. By day two the affected area reduced in half, which gave me hope, but the burning actually intensified. I've consulted my primary care doctor who suggested I have no choice but to continue icing and wait it out. I'm going out of my mind! I can't find any info on the internet to give me an idea of how long this condition may last or if there are any remedies I have not tried yet. Can you help???