the nursepractioner at school, diagnosed me with: Streptococcal tonsillitis, pharyngitis and scabies.
the meds i got prescribed are :
amoxicillin 500mg,
permethrin 5% cream
methyIPREDNISolone 4mg
(i dont know what i thought the strep could have been) (i thought the scabies rash was my eczema spreading)
tuesday (21st)
i went to my college's on campus clinic. i was diagnosed and prescribed these meds.
i noticed a lump on the left side of wear my tonsils are. but it seems as if its inside or something. (i have opened my mouth and the left side is a lot more swollen than the right.)
friday(24th afternoon) i finally got my meds that i needed. however i am worried that this lump on the left is a different kind of strep or i dont know. and i really hope the diagnosed pills will work.
saturday (25th)
now early morning, and i havent slept in almost two full days. and i havent slept many hours since tuesday (21st) even when i could sleep it wasn't very long.
and the lump is not big right now as it was earlier, (i could find it using my fingertips...but sometimes it goes away for a bit and i search for it using pressure)
i'm scared that the lump is in a gland that is affecting my lungs. when i inhale it sounds different but relativlely normal too same with exhaling. however when i move my torso a certain way, this hollow sound comes out of my mouth and i'm NOT doing it on purpose.
so, what is wrong with my body from what i've said? should bother with the school clinic or try a hospital?