Hi, may I answer your health queries right now ? Please type your query here...I had a cist removed on one side of my breast near the middle of my chest and it turned into a keloid. It has been two years now and it continues to grow. I am getting scarred because my right breast that I had the surgery seems to be much bigger now. It seems that is swollen from the trama of the keloid. I have tried Vitimine- E oil and some cream, but it seems that everything I try seems to activate it and it continues to grow. I am now using Tree-oil with hot treatments, not sure if it is working. It gets very dark red sometimes and it will burn. Not being able to afford insurance, I don't know which is the best doctor to go to. Shld I go to a dermatologist or a plastic surgeon. Since I don't qualify for Medicare due to my 401K plan, not having a good income being self employed, I have to go to the right doctor first. I am really scarred about my breast right now. What to do?