Hello, I am 25 years old on my second pregnancy. I am approx 18 weeks. For the past 2 weeks I have had pains in my right lower ribcage area that are impossiable to try to describe. The only explination I can think of is the last time I had a kidney infection I had similar sharp pain. This is NOT near my back though. When I cough I can feel the same sharp stabbing pain. I go in once a week for hormone shots to prevent early labor and recently spoke to my obgyn about this. They do a urine dip everytime I come in. They did not see an infection, though if I wanted I could have it sent to the lab. Unfortunetly I could not urinate again before the appointment ended. I woke up this morning with the pain once again in my side (under my right rib cage side) And tried a bowel movement. Found a reasonable amount of red blood. I understand that means its local, I do have hemmeroids thanks to my first preg. But, this was internal blood, not external, with all the symptoms lineing up, I am concerned mainly because I want the pain to cease but also, wondering if this is bad enough to effect the preg. any ideas?