I have a large protruding lump on the back side of my wrist, between the metacarpals of my index and middle finger. Before you say go see a doctor... I am working on it, i am in the navy, on a sub, and it takes forever to make medical appointments. It causes pain to my thumb, index finger and about halfway up my arm on the radius (inside bone of the forearm?), or to put pressure on it, or to write for extensive periods of time. It seems to get worse as the day progresses. This has been going on for about five or six months and no one seems to know what it is. It makes a clicking sound when I move my arm left to right, it sounds like it is tendons moving over the lump, but I am not sure. This same type of pain is starting to happen on my left wrist too. I don't know what to do, i am having a loss of strength, mobility, range of motion. This sucks, someone help me out please.
Also, happy veterans day to any vets out there.