I am 18 years old and have been dealing with amenorrhea for about 2 years now. I do, however, seem to have 1-2 menses per year. My doctor decided that it was finally time to try to see whats going on, so she tried me with the provera challenge. I started taking the progesterone pills once a day as instructed, but by the second day i started experiencing a horrible pain in my left ovary region. The pain would be so severe at times that I would be awoken in the night, once I even screamed. The pain seems to be worse in the evening, or about two hours after taking the pill. I called to speak to my doctor about why I am experiencing all this pain, and she told me to stop the meds immediately and she referred me to two specialists. I can't see them for a week, and even thoughi stopped taking the pills two days ago i'm still in a lot of pain. I guess what i want to know is why this pain is happening and what i can do to alleviate it. Thanks