My partner was diagnosed with AS about ten years ago (age 28), he was seeing a specialist & things had been okay, some steroid treatment was done (but only worked for a few days) & his meds were finally sorted. We moved up north (right up top) almost two years ago & the Dr's here just don't seem to care about him at all, seem to have no idea about what's really going on & just plain & simply are not doing their job. He's changed Dr's twice now, both haven't bothered to even read his medical notes on his history (stating they are just too busy), one even told him that he didn't believe that he'd had arthritis (you just need to look at his massive swollen knuckles & the lump on the back of his neck & his spine which is now starting to fuse to know) - none have checked him over or even bothered to look at these plain & simple signs, one finally sent him to x-rays, but they've now told him that there's nothing showing up - he was sent to a specialist who was suposed to organise an MRI, but he is telling him that he may have another form of arthritis & nothing has yet been done - they only have him on paradex as pain relief (he is on a few others also) & he is now having issues just geting into see a Dr because he missed an appt a few months ago & it's as if they've decided to spite him. Is there anything we can do besides moving back down south - the Doc's up here just don't seem to care, never ask him how he is when he goes to visit & haven't even bothered to actually even look at him. I'm a past nurse & am extremely angry, frustrated & am dying to scream at someone! This just isn't right, he's not been treated with any care & I don't know where to go from here - they're not the ones living with someone who has so much pain on a daily basis - I even took him to the Dr yesterday morning as he was in excruciating pain - and the nurse just told him there was nothing they could do & the Doc was too busy to see him - also told him that if we went to A&E they'd just send him back - please give me some advice - he needs meds, he needs an ESR blood test done, he needs to find some way of being pain free - this is not a good way for a 38 year old to spend the rest of his life & the depression is sinking in & out badly now. Advice please - we need a good doctor!...... Julz.