Today I noticed a sort of black and blue spot on the shaft of my penis about the size of a quarter...a woman performed oral sex on me and I masterbated about two times in the past week. The oral sex was last week...I think I may have bruised it myself masterbating, however. No swelling no pain...perhaps a bruise from friction masterbating?? I'm sorry I out of work and honestly can't afford a consultation. Well I understand I'll have to just watch it...I think it's just a bit bruised, but thank you anyway. It would be nice to know, I suffer from anxiety and panic attacks, something I definately have to eliminate from my life before going into to a highly competative field like I'm about to, piece of cake, not easy, but I'll get it done...I did speak with the physician that was covering for my PCP, but of course it was a woman, I was quite embarrassed to say the least, as one might expect, but I'll just keep an eye on it, OK I heard that...just kidding. Actually I'm working toward going into medicine myself (MCAT's are coming up soon), oh and I'm 57 years old, just wanted a little peace of mind. but I understand it's a business. The sad thing is my father who passed away 12 years ago was an internist and cardiologist fo 50 years and took care of many physicians and hated where medicine was headed, he still made house calls into his late sixties and and had a huge practice and never charged would never think of charging patients that didn't have the means to pay him. Often times when I was growing up people would show up at our front door with cakes, Italian food and various ways of returning the debt...I guess like he use to medicine was turning into big business and near the end he was sadened by it and was always attempting to discourage me and my brothers not to go into it...but I'm going to anyway because like him at one time, I love biology, and chemistry. I just finished my molecular bio course and micro and am at the one yard line in my pre-med program, anyway, I guess it is what it is and I can approach the way I want, which will be very much the way he did...I have great respect for those in the field who actually read the "Hippocratic Oath," something that seems to be not in fashion anymore. During my dad's years of practicing he always ignored the threat of the "Good Samaritan Laws" whether coming upon an auto accident or other life threatening emergency...I believe the selfish greed in medicine is just another reason why our country, as well as the world is in the predicament it is in today, it's probably best that he's not here to see how far it's gone. I'd like to think otherwise but again it is what it is and alot of todays physicians are who they are, but it's a group I won't be joining. This is why my advisor is encouraging me to go to med school even at this late stage of my life, she say med schools now really like excepting older students on a second career. Anyway, thanks for listening. See, that's how it's done a free consultaion form me, it's actually quite easy...some of you guys ought to try it sometime, I don't think I'll hold my breath.