Hi there I had a left tibia fracture June 2012 took a year to get over it. Went on holiday July 2013, while I was on holiday I felt really tired wanted to go to bed 7or 8 ish every nite as I was just so tired, felt as though I d got the flu, muscles ached, very stiff in the mornings,feels like I ve done a marathon, joints painful to touch even sore in other places to touch, went to see a specialist within 15 mins said I had CFCs/me, but my doctor has been treating me for the last 6 months for fibro myalgia. Some days I can t get my head of the pillow, no motivation to do any thing, I can sit for 10 mins and still get up sore and stiff it s as if I ve been sitting for hours, sometimes the pain seems worse it could be in neck and shoulder then in my hips, lower back, but always feels like I ve got bad toothache, burning feeling in hands tip of fingers numb at time, very forgetful, no motivation to do anything, can you help. Thank you. Louise