I came to know from my friend that she is having Brain cancer (malignant)
She is married and is a house wife and is about 19-20 year old, she had also been pregnant but the child died in the early stage of pregnancy. She has just come to know last week about this.
She said there's no chance left to survive, hardly about 2-3 yrs.
Please advice if she can survive by any means of surgery.
Its been said "people with certain risk factors are more likely to develop brain cancer. Individuals with risk factors such as having a job in an oil refinery, as a chemist, embalmer, or rubber-industry worker show higher rates of brain cancer. "
She is a house wife and doesn't work any where, she doesn't have any habits
Please suggest the best medical treatment no matter where ever it is there
Please suggest some medicines, some surgery, something to save her.
Looking forward for suggestion