Hi there, about 10yrs ago I noticed just a couple tan splotches on my feet and over the years it has steadily grown more prominent. In fact now these splotches have almost completely covered the tops of my feet and have ascended to randomly cover 3/4 of my calves. I dont know if theres any relevence but about the same time I started having some sun sensitivity on arms and chest of hives. Now 10yrs later, I am severly allergic to the sun will develop hives in less than 5min and if the sun shines on my feet its scalding. My sun sens. was confirmed 3mons ago by Derm who did a punch biopsy of hives on my arm. At that time I forgot toask about my feet/calves. Also I have spots of telangiectgias on face and chest, not sure if relevant. I have may other physicals symptoms ie., fatigue,nausea, arthritis, fibromyalgia, and more. Desperate for help since my docs are stumpted. Thanks for your time, Jessica