My mother is 52 years age. She still doesn't experience menopause . She was having prolonged period(11 days , but not heavy, even lower than normal and no pain) and spot between periods for last 3-4 months. She is not having any other problem like weekness, urination problem, abdominal pain/fullness etc. She went through sonography of lower abdomen as dr suggested. Here is the sonography report
Urinary bladder is normal in shape. Walls are smooth and regular. Lumen is clear. Uterus is anteverted; mildly bulky but normal in shape.Myometrial echopattern is heterogenous. Two small myomas are vsualized_ one ofdiameter 2.1cm infudal region and another of diameter 1.9cm anteriorly.Midline echo is normal.Endometrial thickness -1.0cm. Cervical canal is normal. Uterus measures 8.6x5.3x4.4cm. Both overies are normal in shape and size. Perenchyma of both overies are normal except left overy shows a cyst of diameter 1.5 cm . Right overy measures 1.5x2.4 cm . Left overy measures 2.3x2.5 cm
IMPRESSION:- 1. Bulky uterus with small myomas. 2. Cyst in left overy.
What does it mean ?What treatment she needs ?