I am a 26 year old female, 5'3, approx. 110 - 115 lbs, and have chronic fatigue syndrome. Last Tuesday (6 days ago) I was walking my dog and she pulled me while on her leash, my flip flop fell off and I scraped my right pinky toe on my driveway. The scrape/cut was and is currently the size of a pea (very small). It was bleeding but I washed it and put neosporin on the wound as well as a bandaid on it. I stupidly did not keep putting the neosporin on the cut and since last tuesday it has become swollen, turned red (redness on the whole pinky toe and is red a few inches below the toe on the side of my foot), has pus like fluid in the cut with a little black spot in the middle and my toe/foot started to become pretty numb the last 2 days. I couldnt even wear high heels or shoes because of the pain. I went to the ER today (6 days since the initial scrape) and was told I possibly have cellulitis (staph infection) and was prescribed Bactrim Ds and Clindamycin (300mg) to take both for 10 days. I was told to stay off my feet for at least 2 days and to keep my right leg/foot elevated for 3 days as well. I am extremely worried about this as I have chronic fatigue syndrome which makes my immune system fairly week; I have read information about MRSA and severe staph infections. I just wanted to get a second opinion about this and ask if this sounds like a severe staph infection or should I not worry myself so much since I have only taken 1 dose of the antibiotics (took 2 bactrim and 1 clindamicin that the ER gave to me and will be filling both prescriptions tomorrow)...and I also wanted to ask what I should do in addition to taking the antibiotics and elevating my leg/foot. It said in the ER instructions to 'change dressing daily' but I was not told to dress the cut or anything by the ER doctor, so should I put anything on the cut or dress the cut and keep it covered with some type of bandage? If you could please give me all/any of your opinions and suggestions regarding treatment, restrictions, and additional instructions I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you very much.
Very concerned Kate