hi i am 54 years old and i am haveing so much bleeding . i was not haveing periods from last one year and on augest 13 2011 i had my periods and was okay for one week , after one week , bleeding starts again and now its going on , so i consult a gyni doc and she suggested me to have a ultra sound , in my ultra sound report
urinary bladder : distened & normal . no calculus/sol seen witheinin . ub wall not thickend
uterus : bulky in size - normal in shape and echotexture . no fibroid / gsac seen . uterine posterior outline clear . endometrium lining appears coursly echogenic and thick measuring appx 13 mm thickness . utreine position - av . uterus measures appx 119x48x57mm.
both ovaries : small
rt ovary measures appx 15x19x17 mm with appx volume of 2.7cc.
lt ovary measures appx 19x23x12 mm with appx volume of 3.0 cc
no adnexal mass seen . no free fluid seen in cul de sac.
imp: bulky uterus with hyperplastic endometrium
this is my ultra sound report
doc advice me for surgey of this bulky uterus's part .
advise me what to do . is that cureable with medicine , does homeopathic have treatment ?
i am fade up with this bleeding all the time , dont know when it will start and i am also haveing blood clots in while urine pass and feel so relax after bleeding .
advise me what is gud for me