Every day for the past week, ive woken up with a migraine, previous to this i had been feeling dizzy the week before, extreme abdominal pains and aches in my joints, but i just put it down to my period at first. Now a week later after my period, ive had migraines ( ive never suffered from them before) i will wake up and by the time im down stairs my head is throbbing, im feeling sick(which i will for the rest of the day), ill have dizzy spells where i feel like im going to pass out.(so im having to walk very slow and no sudden movements) My vision is blurred sometimes, it feels like my eyes almost have no co-ordination, along with my body, i cant concentrate. When the migraines at its worst i cant even shut my eyes because they twitch and roll to the back of my head which hurts even more. This is so strange for me, ive never felt like this before, and a week down the line nothings helping, and pain killers arent working. Ive tried booking a doctors appointment, but I cant get one till next friday!