When my son was born he was 5 weeks early. He was born 5 lbs 13 oz and left the hospital at maybe 4 lbs. For the first month or so I tried bottle feeding him and he would projectile every time the formula went down. Being young I asked for advice. His fathers mother told me to put 2 scoops of rice cereal in the bottle and the rest formula which made a paste and because of the thickness it would stay down. Well it did. Then at about 1 1/2 to 2 months she told me to just switch to baby food and rarely do his bottle feeding. Well after a couple months of this the doctor told me he was getting jaundice and he needed to get back to just formula which of course he was vomiting constantly with. His eating has been horrible since. He is now 3 and when he does eat, which is rare to get him to, he gags almost immediately and throws up constantly. I dont know whats wrong with him. The doctor said its typical for his age to not eat. Well to me its not. He tells me hes hungry I let him pick it out, something I know he eats, and as soon as he gets started he starts gagging and vomiting. Its horrible. Hes extremely skinny and just looks sick to me. The doctor keeps reassuring me hes fine. Now he has developed a lump, about the size of a grape, above his belly button (maybe a quarter inch above the belly button) and I am scared its something major and the doctor said its fine. It could be a deposit supposedly. It has gotten bigger since I first noticed it. Also, he does weird things. Rolls his eyes without realizing it, very clumsy, has had blood in his stools, horrible attention span, extreme mood changes (some days hes not even like my little boy anymore its like someone got inside of him), I mean the list goes on on how much he has changed. I know there is the terrible 2s and 3s but I think this may be something else. I just dont know what to do and the doctors dont seem to do anything and I am so lost on what to do. Also, my son biological father was abusive not only to myself but my son as well when he was first born until he was removed from our life around 5 months of age. He had shaken my son, held him under water, boxed his ears, and again that list goes on. I am so heartbroken over everything that has happened in my sons life and now when life has changed so much and I want only the best for my son here on out I feel like something is horribly wrong and I cant take it away. He tells me his stomach hurts, his head hurts, and weirdly his eyes hurt. But the doctor just dismisses. Any advice? Any answers or information? Anything. Please. I would greatly appreciate anything! Thank you so much for anything and everything!