I've been experiencing symptoms of enlarged, tender breasts with swollen lumps for the past 1.5 years and it seems to be getting worse. Instead of just having it for a week before my period (PMS) it seems to be swollen and tender for about 3 weeks in a month. My breasts seem to get bigger and bigger and I have really big swollen lumps on the outer edges of both breasts about the size of an egg. My gynae tells me it is normal PMS and that I have never experienced the symptoms at such elevated levels as I was on noristerate (8 week) injection which tricked my body into thinking it is pregnant and therefore it didn't secrete progesterone which is the hormone that cause breast tenderness & swelling. I don't really understand it as the noristerate injection that I was on about 1.5 years ago was a progesterone only injection - why did this progesterone not cause breast swelling, tenderness, etc?? She also said I'm in my prime i.e. most fertile stage of my life which adds to the hormonal stress and change of my body.
Other symptoms I have are mood swings, depression and constipation and have gained about 8kg in the last 2 years. It feels as if I'm pregnant and I'm not???
Why have I not heard of other women complaining of such hormonal changes in their life (except for those that are pregnant)?? And surely there must be some or other medication that I can take to alleviate these symptoms?? Please advise as I'm really getting frustrated, I hate my breasts and I feel uncomfortable in my own skin.