My daughter is 14. Generally pretty healthy. She was born 8 weeks early and has a shunt for hydrocephalus but has had no problems since being an infant. She is an A student and very normal . A year ago she had what we thought was the flu. She had a bad headache and felt so dizzy she could hardly stand. She was sick to her stomach also. This lasted for four days. I took her to the doctor and they hospitalized her. Upon standing her legs would go numb and she would fall to the floor. They diagnosed her with migraines. This has not happened again until this past few days, however, she does feel dizzy on a daily basis (for over a year). Two days ago she complained of a headache and we gave her a Tylenol and she went on her way. She said she didn t sleep well. She got up this morning, ate breakfast, and thought she felt a little better. She said she still had a slight headache but not too bad. She came home from school and still had a little headache but not too bad. We went out for dinner and on the way to the car, she said she felt dizzy. She then said her legs felt heavy and she quickly fell to the floor and lost control of her legs. I carried her to the car and she was then able to walk again. She felt weak but by the time we got home she was fine. I am worried there might be something going on because this is the second time she has lost control in her legs and fallen.