Hi, I have been diagonesed with PCOS 3-4 months back. At that time, I wasn't having regular periods, hust some spotting. So my gynaec put me on Yaz for 1 month due to which periods got normal. But again had problems in the following month and showed her again. This time I told her that I had a cyst in the liver and undergone liver surgery last year. After hearing this, she put me on non hormonal medication like metphormin and Oosure. and gave me pause to take 2 pills each for 2 days. Its been a week since I have been taking metphormin and Oosure.
This month, I have been continuous bleeding for around 18 days now So she prescribed Pause for 2 days, 2 pills each day which I took and its been 2 days after that. But still my bleeding hasn't reduces or stopped.
1. Can I continue pause and for how many days?
2. Is it true that person with a history of liver cyst (it was not hydated cyst) shouldn't take hormonal medicines like Diane 35, Yaz etc. I took Diane 35 for 2 years around 5-6 years back. Did my cyst occured because of that?
3. Are the non-hormonal medication that my doc gave correct line of treatment in my case.