Hi I had a brain tumor operation (HEMANGIOBLASTOMA) in left cerebellar hemisphere during oct 2003.Last week I noticed hamaturia.(blood stains in urine)& my CT scan shows as follows :- 1)known case of VON-HIPPEL LINADU SYNDROME (H/O Surgery for hemangioblastoma brain) 2)Associated with BILATERAL ADULT POLYSTIC KINDY DISEASE. 3)Large, well defined ,partially encapsulated ,isodense ,left renal ,intra medullary , heterogeneous mass lesion with clusters of internal cysts thick internal septations intense contrast enhancement with repaid washout in venous phase with the H/O of more than 9yrs duration and features of very slow growth is suggestive of BENIGN RENAL TUMOR likelihood of a SPORADIC HEMANGIOBLASTOMA associated with VON-HIPPEL -LINDU SYNROME (DDx Giant cavernous hemangioma.Multilocular cystic tumor. Cystic renal cell carcinoma) 4)Dual arterial supply of right kindey 5)Kindly check the Immuno -histochemistry markers (a-inhibin cytokeratin AE 1, AE 3 ,S-100 and neuron specific enolase) to differentiate hemangioblastoma and RCC My age is 37 years. LABORATORY REPORT BLOOD SUGAR (R) 104 mg/dl UREA 19 mg/dl CREATININE 1.2 mg/dl URINE ALBUMIN NIL URINE SUGAR (URINE SUGAR (R) NIL DEPOSITS pus cells NAD URINE CULTURE -NO GROWTH plz help