Hi, I am 29 yrs. and i have been searching for an answer to my health problems for almost 4 months. I have very severe hyperhidrosis of the hands and feet. I developed what the doc. thought was toenail fungas. I took lamisil for about a month but the fungus wasen't getting better infact i developed more symptomes, extreme pain in the toes that i could not stand to have anything touch them. Then i started to get swelling in my foot, toes and a little up my leg. I then got numbness on the top part of my left foot closer to the outside of my ankle and the numbness was also felt in my ankle. now the pain has spread to the entire foot and now swelling and aching pain in my left arm, wrist and hand. sometimes my arm, leg, hand, and foot are very red swollen and sensative other times it is freezing cold and is very cold sensative. Just walking on the cold concrete will shoot pain up my foot and leg. I have constant pain although some days aren't as bad as others. PLEASE HELP...I'm beginning to give up hope. doctor said it sounded like complex reginal pain syndrome and has set me up with a derm. in 3 weeks....(pain and swelling has only been in left foot,leg, arm, and hand)