Hello Doctor,
Am 35 years old, my periods has been irregular frm last few months. Last month i had 11 days periods, 3 days was normal periods all other days it was only spottings. This month i have got my periods from 17th and still happening till today it's almost 15th day. From 17th till 26th it was only spottings, from 26th till 29th normal bleeding as like usually be during periods, from 29th night till today it's been heavily bleeding. My doc prescribed me to take pause 500 mg, frm sat evng am taking it and till nw still it's been bleeding. Have been diagnoised with thyroid 3 yrs before, it's been normal from last 1.5 yrs so am nt on any tablets from then. Wat may be the reason for bleeding so many days, it's due to cyst/hormonal imbalalnce? My doc has been adviced me to do pelvic 3d scanning as early as possible. Is there any other serious prblm in me. Plz do advice me wat to do?