HI. MY lower legs ache and feels like my bones are on fire.. I have been having mild pain and aches everywhere, but it does not hurt to touch. Even when I press my skin very hard it does not hurt... My legs are the worst.. I do not have any aches in my back or neck, just a light burning sensation, sometime a little in my shoulders.. I have been put on Neurotn. Doesnt really do anything it except help me sleep at night... I have had mris, cat scans, blood work. Everything was perfect, except my potassium was a little low and they gave me pills to take for that. I am getting some kind of test next week eek?? where they stick the needles in you and shock ya?? PLEASEEEEEEE help me,, ANy advice would help. I started taking vitamin d and more vitamis and eating better. I also have gastopersis.. I am 5/6 115. PLEASE give me some advise,, I am seeing the rhemtoligust oh thursday