Hi There, On Friday My Girlfriend went to the dentist to get a tooth taken out. 6 hours later we were sat watching TV and she said she felt funny, she complained that it was hard to concentrate and had a bit of blurring (which past). I could tell she was struggling as she seemed to have to form her sentences in her head before saying them and got simple words wrong. Then all of a sudden she said her face and arm felt funny and when I looked at her I saw that her face has dropped. This had never happened before and so we naturally assumed that it was a stoke so rang the ambulance. The Girl on the phone asked me question and got her to say a sentence which came out confused and slurred.. so the ambulance took us to hospital where they told us it was likely to be a mini stoke. She was given aspirin and told to come back and see a Neurologist.. Once home she felt totally exhausted and just wanted to sleep all the time. 3 days later on the Monday the same thing happened again.. Obviously we went to the hospital again, as we were told to, and they again went through the same test (bloods, heart etc) and came to the same conclusion that she had had another 2 mini strokes. The next day (Tue) we went to see the Neurologist who explained that it was actually a migraine and not a mini stoke. This was obviously good news but since then she is totally exhausted and has had another episode (30 minutes ago). We trust that the doctors are correct and the MRI scan showed nothing at first glance. So we believe this is a Migraine but the questions are:- 1 We cannot understand what coursed these migraine attacks to start. She has never suffered from them in the past. 2 Why would there be so many in a row and will they continue at this rate 3 Now these Migraine attacks have started is there something that could be triggering them now e.g. a reaction to some food? If so then how can she suddenly be allergic to something she wasn’t allergic to before 4 The tiredness seems to last for upto 48 hours after an attack even through the attacks only last between minutes and about an hour. Obviously this would affect her working if this is going to be the case from now on. 5 And any other information we can get about migraines that would help us cope with this. All though the doctors we spoke to seemed to know it was defiantly a migraine they didn’t seem to be able to explain what was happening and why? So any information would be really appreciated. Symptoms include. Weakness in arms, blurred and heavy eyes (just in one eye) numbness, Confusion, slurred speech, face drooping (left side), and headaches followed and tiredness which starts before the attack and then is allot worse after. Hope this is enough information. Thanks in advance