I am 24 years old, about 5'6" about 160 lbs and have had no history of back or neck pain. Last night I fell. My feet went out from under me due to wet floor and I fell straight down on my bottom. As soon as I stood back up my shoulders and the base of my neck started aching. It hurt to turn my head to the right. It's not horrible pain, so if I need to wait to go to the Doctor and ride it out, that's ok, but if it is something needing treatment, I need to know because my boss wants me to go to the Doctor within a week and I don't want to use the workman's comp unless I have to. I continued to work through the night (about 7 more hours in fast food) and it didn't hinder me from sleeping. It doesn't feel any better yet (I didn't really expect it to) but it doesn't hurt any worse either. Should I go on to the hospital now or is it something that should fade after a few days or a couple of weeks?