hello, how are you doing. I do have a question..... I have a bone disease that has not been diagnosed just treated with several knee surgeries a breast reduction to relieve my back, a bus load of strong narcotics and shots, and therapy for twenty years. Anyway here's the problem, I had surgery on my right knee in 2000 (Reconstruction). For the pass several months I have noticed that my leg has begun to lose feeling in it. Especially when I'm lying down. There is a tingling in my foot and toes. Also, my leg is very heavy. There is some sharp burning pain in the back of my knee and on the sides. I have been dealing with that until my right arm started hurting very badly. It has a sharp burning pain that feel like someone is crushing my hand and stabbing my arm. The pain skips around in 4 different spots. My hand, top side up on my wrist and bottom, around my elbow and the upper inside of my arm near my arm pits where the viens are visible. I sometime get's superphical blood clots in the viens thats in my right arm. They're usually not a threat I have never had a major problem with them. What do you think? Ohh and I forgot my hand is also getting darker and its creeping up my wrist. Please help me with this puzzle.. Thank You, Keisha