Hi, I have scar tissue on the subcortical (Im not sure but I think that's what my neuro said) part of my brain that controls leg function and has caused my legs to be overactive. Apparently the same area is where thoughts run through so if I have to think hard about anything my legs feel more tense and even painful. Recently something strange has happened. I started feeling weird sensations down my right leg and my right foot feels like it's burning sometimes when I put it down on a surface. I seem to also have lost some sensation in both of my legs as before when I would go for long walks when I got home my leg muscles would feel very warm and relaxed but now I barely feel anything when I get home.At the same time these leg symptoms started I also felt differently in my brain. My head feels kind of numb and empty, and when i think about things that take effort it makes my brain feel even more that way. If I try thinking about anything with effort when I walk it gets especially bad, my head gets very numb and very empty feeling. When it gets like this it takes forever to fall asleep because it prevents the heavy drowsy feeling from entering my brain. it's also completely screwing up how long I sleep as well.
It seems that whatever is going on is related to the previous brain injury I had as the symptoms are both in my brain and legs. However, i didn't physically re injure my brain or spine, I didn't hit anything hard or get in an accident or anything like that so how can these symptoms be happening? If it's relevant i also didn't physically injure my brain or spine in the first place that I know of I dont know how the scarring got there. Also, Im currently taking baclofen for my legs and seroquel for sleep. Please please help me I cant deal with this much longer im already so weak from severe sleep problems caused by my brain injury that i have had no success treating so far.