Get investigated (Barium swallow,
Upper Endoscopy, Esophageal endometry) for pain in the lower abdomen. Commonly pain & discomfort in the lower abdomen is due to GERD &
Acid Reflux. Some food trigger these symptoms like high fatty & oily food, citrus food, alcohol, caffeine, etc. Obesity & sedentary lifestyle may also trigger the discomfort. Medications like Spasmol, antacids, PPI's & H2 Receptor blockers are effective.
Lifestyle changes do reduce bloating,
abdominal pain,
constipation &
diarrhea. Quit smoking or addictions if any. Do regular exercises, maintain weight, avoid sedentary life. Add fiber in diet, take plenty of veggies & fruits.
Hope I have answered your query. Let me know if I can assist you further.
Dr. Nupur K,
General & Family Physician